The most successful fundraisers utilize multiple strategies to connect with friends and family to reach their goals.  In attempting to raise at least $600 towards your Run Barefoot goal, we recommend this approach, due to the overwhelming number of communication outlets that compete for our attention.

It’s important to remember that many friends and family simply get distracted, but truly care about supporting your efforts. 

Without friendly reminders, many of these folks would be disappointed to have missed an opportunity.  Thus, we’ve outlined a few proven ways that Barefoot has utilized through the years to gently remind folks of the need and cause without applying undue pressure.

Email Follow Up

Step 1: Initial Email Contact

This step is only for those that did not send letters in the mail.  If you choose not to send physical letters, we recommend personalizing our Sample Fundraising Letter as your initial email to your potential supporters.

Step 2:  Follow-Up Email #1

This step is utilized as a follow up on physical letters and initial emails 10-12 days after your first contact.  Personalize and send Email Follow-Up One Template to everyone except those that have already committed their support.

Step 3:  Follow-Up Final Email

Regardless of when you sent your initial letters or emails, a follow-up Email should be sent the week before the event.  You will be encouraged by the response that is created by all of the excitement of race week, as many that have followed your training through Facebook and other avenues want to be part of your experience and cause.

Social Media Strategies

Personal web sites and blogs are an ideal way to share about your Run Barefoot experience. 

We encourage you to invite your friends, family and followers into your experience early in the process.  However, we do not recommend overwhelming them with requests for donations.  These folks follow you based upon their relationship to you.  They care about you and your experiences.  We all love a good story, so let them follow yours all the way to race day.  We trust that the donations will follow as they monitor your investment, sacrifice and joy all the way to the finish line.

And, of course, sharing your Mighty Cause fundraising page through social media outlets will tremendously increase your impact. If you have not yet created your personal Mighty Cause page, click here for step by step instructions.

Here are just a few examples of fun posts that you can utilize on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms:

“I’ve never run more than 30 minutes or 3 miles, but I just completed a 5 mile run with my Run Barefoot Team.”

“I cannot believe I just ran 10 miles!  I was terrified when I signed up to run my first marathon, but training has made me wonder what else I could accomplish.”

“God used summer camp to shape who I am today.  It’s a joy to know that each step of my training is helping other kids less fortunate have that same opportunity at Barefoot.”

“Did you know Barefoot Republic is the only faith-based camp focused on uniting youth from different racial, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds – sounds a lot like Heaven!”

“Did you know Barefoot Republic provides scholarship assistance to at least 60% of its campers?”

“Barefoot’s artistic, athletic and team-building programs are used as a platform for multicultural relationships.”